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Тъмното нещо се смесва със светлото нещо и в здрача изгрява дъга. Толкова обикновена, че чак прекрасна. Има ли дъга, непременно се появяват очи, за да я видят. Източват се крака и щукват след дъгата. Протягат се ръце готови на всичко за едно докосване само. Само едно докосване! И ето го светът!
Човек може да се самозалъгва с нещо неясно и неизвестно, но не и с едно лице.
Има великолепни хора, които срещаме в лош момент от живота ни. Има и хора, които са великолепни, защото ги срещаме в добър момент от живота ни.
След любов човек винаги се чувства малко в центъра на света.
... тъгата на младите винаги е неизлечима, а страданията им безпричинни.
Една хотелска стая, след като прибереш нещата си в куфарите и оставиш след себе си само хаос, твоя хаос, е много красив отпечатък и е жалко, че този отпечатък се чете и заличава от отегчени камериерки, чиито мисли са някъде другаде.
Ако има нещо, което винаги ме е очаровало, това е слепотата на родителите спрямо мечтите на техните деца.
Писането обаче е сложна форма на мълчание.
Няма героизъм в присъдите, които си налагаме сами, всъщност това не са присъди, а непонятни удоволствия.
I loved Father John, without reflection, without hesitation; the way plants turn toward the sun, it was a response of the soul. I loved him, as the children's hymn about loving Jesus says, so simply, "because He first loved me."
...permission to change course without explanation or self-consciousness is a gift only old people seem to have the grace and authority of years to give themselves...
It would be that time - late at night - when your ears reach out for any sound. When you can see more with your eyes closed than open.
I'll have plenty of time to take it easy in my grave.
My husband's not really misanthropic, he just loves solitude.
"I don't want you to just accept the world as it's given," she said.
She said, "I want you to invent it. I want you to have that skill. To create your own reality. Your own set of laws. I want to try and teach you that."
The boy had a pen now, and she said to draw the river in the book. Draw the river, and draw the mountains up ahead. And name them, she said. Noth with words he already knew, but to make up new words that didn't already mean a bunch of other stuff.
To create his own symbols.
She said, "I want you to invent it. I want you to have that skill. To create your own reality. Your own set of laws. I want to try and teach you that."
The boy had a pen now, and she said to draw the river in the book. Draw the river, and draw the mountains up ahead. And name them, she said. Noth with words he already knew, but to make up new words that didn't already mean a bunch of other stuff.
To create his own symbols.
It's pathetic how we can't live with the things we can't understand. How we need everything labeled and explained and deconstructed. Even if it's for sure unexplainable. Even God.
The point was, there'd be nothing to this if you were beautiful and sexy.
The point was, in a world where everybody had to look so pretty all the time, this guy wasn't. The monkey wasn't. What they doing wasn't.
The point was, it was not the sex part of pornography that hooked the stupid little boy. It was the confidence. The courage. The complete lack of shame. The comfort and genuine honesty. The up-front-ness of being able to just stand there and tell the world: Yeah, this is how I chose to spend a free afternoon. Posing here with a monkey putting chestnuts up my ass.
And I really don't care how I look. Or what you think.
So deal with it.
He was assaulting the world by assaulting himself.
The point was, in a world where everybody had to look so pretty all the time, this guy wasn't. The monkey wasn't. What they doing wasn't.
The point was, it was not the sex part of pornography that hooked the stupid little boy. It was the confidence. The courage. The complete lack of shame. The comfort and genuine honesty. The up-front-ness of being able to just stand there and tell the world: Yeah, this is how I chose to spend a free afternoon. Posing here with a monkey putting chestnuts up my ass.
And I really don't care how I look. Or what you think.
So deal with it.
He was assaulting the world by assaulting himself.
Art never comes from happiness.
Поглеждам към Лоръл. Тя е заета с плодовата си салата - изважда черешките. Пази ги за мен.
Когато светлината загасне, е много по-тъмно, отколкото би било, ако не е била запалвана изобщо. Светът е пълен с тъмни отломки от крушения. По-добрият начин - Марульовците от стария Рим сигурно са го знаели - е да се оттеглиш навреме, прилично, почтено, без драматизъм, без да наказваш себе си или семейството си - просто сбогуване, топла вана и отворена вена, топло море и ножче за бръснене.